High Street, Evington, Leicester. LE5 6FH

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. (Hebrews 13.8)


What we believe






How to find us


We are a loving and growing church in the city of Leicester. Together we seek to glorify God, proclaim the word of his grace and follow Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, Redeemer and King.

We meet in Evington Chapel: a building where Christians have gathered for over 180 years. Whether you are visiting the area, looking for a church, or seeking to know the way to God, we warmly invite you to join us.

Our Identity
We are ordinary people, from all walks of life, who have the same sorrows, joys, cares and concerns that are common to all. The new life that we share in Jesus Christ is the basis of our fellowship with one another, and by his grace, we desire to grow together in faith, holiness and love.

Our Message

We joyfully proclaim that Christ came down from heaven, not merely to show us how to live, but to provide a way for people of every age, culture, background and nationality to be reconciled to God. He died for our sins according to the scriptures and rose again triumphantly to secure new life for his people. Those who turn from their sinful rebellion and put their trust in his finished work experience God’s love, mercy, forgiveness and acceptance.

Our Culture
We are committed to praying together, caring for one another and sharing God’s good news with those who are around us. Our services are open to all and we are always pleased to welcome visitors and newcomers.

Saturday 15th Feb
7pm Lecture
Roland Burrows
I am the Way, the Truth
and the Life

Lord's Day 16th Feb
11am + 6pm
Andrew Pollington

Wednesday 12th Feb
Prayer meeting + Bible study

Lord's Days
Live Stream

Life, Time and Eternity (by kind permission, Providence Baptist Chapel, Cheltenham)

Please e-mail us at evington.chapel@yahoo.co.uk ‎ if you require further information regarding our ongoing ministry